Beating a bloated belly
It’s easy to believe that living with a sluggish digestion and bloated belly is normal. You have been told to accept that you can’t wear your skinny jeans during ovulation. Or that now you have moved into peri-menopause that ‘your shape has just changed’ and that you need to adjust your expectations and wardrobe.
But what if there are some simple, natural and effective solutions you can try to relieve abdominal bloating?
First we must understand what is causing it.
Are your hormones contributing?
Does your belly size increase and decrease throughout the month, being particularly bad when you ovulate? (about 2 weeks from when your period started)
·Or are you headed towards menopause and it has become a consistent problem.
If you have answered yes to either of these questions, then the hormone estrogen may be a contributing factor here. Of its many impacts, it has an effect of causing the body to retain fluid.
If you have answered no, then perhaps it could be that your digestive system.
Is your digestive system under pressure
What are your bowel habits? At least on bowel movement daily?
Are you getting plenty of fibre and water?
Do you take any regular medication that affects your gut?
Implementing simple steps can help to regulate your digestive system and balance your hormones.
Try some of these simple solutions now.
Meal times
Ø Aim to eat every 4-6 hours
Ø Limiting drinks close to meals
Ø Eat mindfully, chew well and take your time
Include fibre rich foods
Ø Fibre can help bind to hormones in the digestion for excretion
Ø Fibre can feed the good bugs in your intestines, reducing inflammation, improving your digestion and even improving your mood
This is a recipe for one of the easiest wholefoods, food as medicine, pot of gut healing goodness - stewed apples.
A regular serve of this will help support your digestive function, inflammation and excretion of toxins. In addition - it is so easy, accessible and affordable
Exercise – get your body moving
Ø If you are able, aim for 30-45 mins of moderate exercise every day. Taking a walk after dinner is a great way to unwind after the day
Ø May help your body to eliminate excess estrogen through a number of ways
Ø Among many other benefits, exercise helps your lymphatic system move fluid through/out of your body
What to drink
Ø Drink 2l of water daily (away from meal times)
Ø Sip on herbal teas
- Spearmint is great for digestion and has benefit to support those with PCOS
- Ginger is an anti-inflammatory, and supports the gut lining
Ø Avoid excess caffeine and alcohol as they both impair digestion and interfere with hormone metabolism
These are some of the most common tips that I have used myself and recommended to patients – I hope that they are helpful to get you started.
If you would like to book in a chat to see how I can help you find your best health, please call the Rener Health Clinic on 9330 2922 today.
This advice is general in nature and it is always advised that you discuss your individual symptoms with your healthcare provider.