Antibiotics - Evidence based complementary medicine co-prescribiner
Come and learn how antibiotics are causing side effect and how you are best placed to support your patients in finding their best health.
Come and learn how antibiotics are causing side effect and how you are best placed to support your patients in finding their best health.
Come and learn how antibiotics are causing side effect and how you are best placed to support your patients in finding their best health.
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Does it feel like there are a number of products claiming to support patients but you don’t know how to cut the wheat from the chaff?
Whats the best choice and where is the evidence?
This webinar has been created as an all in one solution. You will learn how to safely and effectively recommend nutrients, herbs and vitamins to support your patients who have been prescribed medications to manage their gut health.
Sifting through the research has been done for you. This webinar is packaged up together with the unique insight of naturopathic knowledge and significant pharmacy experience.
Within the hour you will know what to questions to ask and what to recommend to your patient.
You will complete this webinar and be able to support the next patient walking through your door with the best evidence based recommendations